среда, 30 марта 2011 г.

Small Business News: Ideas for Adventurous Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is about ideas, lots and lots of them. But it’s also about putting those ideas into action. So, what ideas do you have as you embark on your entrepreneurial adventure? And what ideas do you need? We hope this roundup inspires and empowers. More than anything, entrepreneurship is about learning. Time to begin.


Are you permiscuous? OK. This post is NOT about what you think! When it comes to entrepreneurship, sales or any other kind of business, it’s important toget aroundand get ideas from as many sources as possible. Is there a single right answer to any problem you will face in your entrepreneurial adventure? Nope. Just effective and ineffective ones. Get all you can. The Sales Blog

The real spirit of entrepreneurship. Want to know the difference between dazzling innovation, creativity and their opposite? Then read this simple meditation on where the motivation for true achievement comes from. Surprised? Shouldn’t be. Think about customer service, crowdsourcing, customer feedback. Where should the focus of entrepreneurship be and what should it do? What do you think?JonathanFields.com


How social is your small business blog? We know you’re probably conditioned to think much more in terms of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and the keywords you use in titles, tags and text when you write a blog post, but, in the era of Facebook and Twitter, it’s also important to think about your blog in terms of how you can integrate it into social media. Here’s a starting point for the discussion.BizSugar Blog

How will customers find you? Picking a location-based social media platform for your small business is more important than ever before. But at the same time, choosing one platform or another is much more complicated than it used to be. No, Foursquare is not the only company in the field. Here’s a primer to help you decide which  is right for you.Entrepreneur.com


How do entrepreneurs think? Can you learn how successful entrepreneurs think and then teach these skills to others helping them to become more entrepreneurial in their goals? Maybe, says researcher Saras Sarasvathy who chats and answers questions in this video about a recent study that attempts to peel pack the mysteries of entrepreneurship and how it works.Inc.com

Inside the brain of an entrepreneur. So, what is in the brain of an entrepreneur? How do they think and how does it make them different or similar to, say corporate executives, small business owners, VC or angel investors. The data is out and you may be surprised by the findings.Inc.com


Too much entrepreneurship?! It seems hard to believe in a day and age when entrepreneurship is being touted as a solution to a still sluggish economy that anyone in their right mind could say enough is enough. Of course, the real issue is whether the cult of entrepreneurship is becoming just another trend creating little of value.Harvard Business School


When you know it’s time. Fear holds many beginning entrepreneurs back and makes it difficult to leave the security of a 9-5 job. But in the end, those considering starting their own business, launching their own product or offering their own service should only worry about two factors at the heart of the entrepreneurial mind set.getbusy


Traits to recognize in the entrepreneur. Maybe you’ve been trying to fit in somewhere. You’ve taken a job you’re not passionate about. You’ve notice it’s hard to stay focused. Maybe you realize there’s a reason for all of this. Check out the entrepreneurial traits in the post above. Are you an entrepreneur?eMentorMarketing

Why entrepreneurs should be good sales people. This is not your run of the mill advice, but we hope you find it helpful just the same. If nothing else, an entrepreneur needs to be able to sell their idea, first possibly to investors and strategic partners, then to customers. Here are some steps from a number of entrepreneurs. Check them out and enjoy!Open Forum


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