среда, 23 марта 2011 г.

9 Reasons People Won’t Link to Your SMB Site

Getting people to link to your website is a struggle for any business. But it can be even harder as an SMB when you don’t have the large brand, immediate recognition or authority of a bigger, more established company. And that’s something I hear from many SMB owners- they think they’re doing everything right, but they’re frustrated that folks still seem wary of linking to their sites. What’s going on?

Below are nine reasons why people won’t link to your SMB site. Let me know if any sound a bittoofamiliar. We won’t tell.

1. You’re too new: Many business owners stand by the mantra that you are who you link to. For that reason, if your site doesn’t feel finished, established or properly aged, some businesses simply won’t link to you until you’ve “earned” that link. Linking a way of vouching for a particular business. Before someone makes that commitment or gives you that stamp of approval they want to make sure you’ll still bearound tomorrow.

2. There’s no contact information: Want people to link to your site? Give them ample contact information! Display your address, your phone number, your email address, a map to your location– anything you can to show that there’s real life behind your business and you’re not a spammer. Contact information is one of the primary trust indicators that people use when evaluating a site they may associate themselves with. They want to know you’re a real business. A little contactinformation can show them that you are.

3. All your links are to yourself: If every link on your website goes to an internal site page, it tells people that you don’t play well with others or that you view yourself the authority on absolutely everything. Neither impression is going to inspire someone to link to you. To receive links, you must freely give them. Link out to authorities in your industry, to other resources, valuable communities, etc. Not only will this show people you’re a good Web citizen, it may also alert the people you link to of your existence.

4. Your site is one page: Again, another big trust indicator. It’s hard to establish much trust or authority if you’re rocking a one-page website. Give potential customers and potential linkers something to get excited about by adding more content and information about your brand. Hey, maybe even start a blog!

5. Your site is too salesy: Hey, we’re all on the Web to make a living, to grow our businesses and to connect with new customers, but that doesn’t mean we want to be hit over the head with it. Just because you’re getting involved in content marketing, doesn’t mean you have to be BIG and OVER THE TOP at every interaction. Learn how to convey your message in a way that is conversational and inviting, instead of spammy, and you’re bound to get a whole lot more link love.

6. There are no linkable assets: If people aren’t linking to your site, it may be because you have nothing to link to. This may be a good time to take a hard look at your site and ask yourself ifyou’dlink to your site. What makes you worthy of someone’s link? Have you created a great resource? An interesting infographic? A useful tool? Clever product descriptions? What are you doing to earn those links you want?

7. You auto-play music/hit people with popups: Popups, ad overlays, music on auto-play, and things that flash or talk are all factors that will annoy someone right out of linking to your website. It doesn’t matter how great your content and linkable assets are if you present a lousy user experience. Don’t annoy people.

8. There are too many ads: People want to share sites that are informative, entertaining and useful. If someone lands on your site and they have a hard time making it past the ads, they’re probably not going to link to you. It may give the wrong impression and tells onlookers that you’re more interested in making some money via Google AdSense then you are in building a great business.

9. Your site takes too long to load: Internet users aren’t known for having a lot of patience. If it takes your website three minutes to load a page, you’ve already lost them. Do what you can to decrease the page load time so that you’re not turning off potential linkers before you even have time to lure them in.

Those are some common reasons people may be skeptical of linking to your website. Are there any you think I missed?


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