вторник, 1 марта 2011 г.

Email Prospers, Shifts In A Social Media World

Being a small business owner is often about making choices. Where is your time best spent and how can you best connect with your customers? Because of all the chatter about Facebook, Twitter, blogs and social media, it’d be easy to think that email is dying out or that it’s become ineffective for reaching out to customers. But you’d be wrong. When it comes to reaching out for commercial purposes, email remains top dog.

Yesterday eMarketer tooksome timeto comment on new research from customer relationship marketing agencyMerkelwhich found that, despite claims otherwise, email is still a marketing powerhouse, with 87 percent of Internet users checking their email daily in 2010. And that number has been steady over the past three years. Perhaps to kill the argument that social media is overtaking email, they also found that social media users are actually significantlymorelikely to check their email more than four times a day, and less likely to check infrequently.

Interesting. So is it all good news then? Is email climbing the charts across the board? Well, not exactly. There is one area where email’s dominance seems to be slipping.

Merkel’s numbers found personal communications are shifting away from email, likely moving toward social networks and even text messaging. I know the days of my mother dropping me emails throughout the day have all but stopped now that she’s found sending me a text will deliver the information much faster. As our inboxes fill up with marketing material, we’re looking at alternatives for passing on personal messages.

But when it comes to commercial purposes, email is still the top choice for receiving communications amongallage groups. To illustrate that point, you have to look much further than Groupon.

This past summer Prasad Thammineni gave us7 reasons to use Groupon for your small business, and we’ve seen how the service has continued to grow and earn buzz, evenforcing Google to create a Groupon-cloneafter unsuccessful acquisition attempts.

Email works because it’s simple, itpromotes high relevancy, and it’s something all Web users can understand. Would Groupon have been able to build the same types of targeted email lists if they were distributing offers via RSS or Twitter accounts alone? No. Not everyone understands RSS or wants the hassle of creating a Twitter account. But email is a language that is familiar to all because we all have it and, as a result, it works.

Experiment with the shiny, new marketing tactics, but don’t let go of the tried and true ones. Even if they’re not as sparkly, they’re still effective in marketing to your core customers.


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