пятница, 8 апреля 2011 г.

Small Business News: Small Biz Twitter Tips

Among the tools available to small businesses to market and leverage their brands to a larger audience, the easiest to use is probably Twitter. With posts, or tweets, limited to just 140 characters, Twitter is a fast and easy way to communicate and boost your brand. Here are some tips to get you started:

Twitter Basics

12 Twitter mistakes to avoid. Like any other small business tool, Twitter can be as useful to your business as you make it. Or it can be a big waste that does more harm than good sucking up your most valuable resource–time–and giving you nothing in return. There are some basic mistakes that any small business owner starting up with Twitter should definitely avoid at all costs. Have you done any of these things?Money Dummy

Tweets are definitely worth the time.  Small business and the self-employed are most likely to strike a deal as a result of communications on Twitter, Facebook or other social media. A report says the social space is definitely worth the time to these users for networking and building partnerships. So if you’re starting small and seeking to build a community that can share your brand with others, microblogging can be a great way to start. Inc.com

Starting Up

How to start a business in 140 characters or less. Twitter has done more than just empower small businesses that use the service. Like Facebook and blogging, the technology has even created new business models like this one started by Kate Buck, CEO of KBJOnline.com, to manage the Twitter, Facebook and blogs for other clients. What new opportunities might Twitter offer your business? Fox Business

Tips for launching your Twitter or other social media campaign. One simple way to get started with the Twitter revolution and to put microblogging to work for your business is with a Twitter campaign. Here are some simple tips for launching a Twitter or other social media campaign for your small business and launching yourself into the world of Twitter marketing and networking.Open Forum

Tools& Techniques

Downloads for Twitter and other social media sites. One of the first steps in using Twitter and other social media sites like a pro is to download and start using some of the awesome tools available for these social media sites on the Web. An incredible variety of tools can make your use of Twitter or other social media platforms easy, seamlessly integrating a varietyof features and making you more productive when marketing your business online. PC World

Three more tools to enhance Twitter. If you’re already a Twitter user, you probably understand how Twitter can benefit your small business as both a marketing and networking channel. But a huge number of tools can expand the function and reach of this simple 140 character microblogging platform doing more for your small business but boosting what you already love about Twitter.internet.com

Twitter gives marketers more tools. A new dashboard unveiled recently by the company will allow marketers using Twitter for business to learn more about their audience. Data available from the new dashboard created by Twitter includes things like geographical location and level of engagement among a marketers followers. The new innovation represents another quantum leap for the microblogging platform. How can your small business use this new feature? GigaOm

More Important Tips

Twitter mistakes that can tarnish your brand. This is exactly the opposite of what you started using Twitter for in the first place…or any other social media platform, for that matter. But it can happen, says entrepreneur Charles Mburugu who spells out some of the errors he says can end up hurting your business image much more than use of social media can help it.Dragon Blogger Technology and Entertainment

Why do your followers follow you? One blogger explains the motivations behind the people she follows on Twitter. Read her list for a little dose of reality. Than give some thought to what you can say to keep your followers engaged today…and tomorrow. It’s true that your Tweets should reflect who you are and build your brand. But in the end, you must also keep your audience interested. BrittInspired

Three reasons to start…if you haven’t already. If you haven’t started tweeting already for your small business, here are three reasons why maybe you should. The advantages of tweeting for your small business probably out weigh the disadvantages. It is inexpensive and easy and something you can start today. If you talk to your customers regularly (and we hope you do), why wouldn’t you take advantage of a tool you can use to enhance those conversations even more. Here are some other thoughts.Sprike


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