среда, 13 апреля 2011 г.

Small Business News: Small Biz LinkedIn Roundup

Though it may be the least talked about of the big three social media platforms these days and is often overshadowed by Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn remains an important social space, especially among professionals, small business owners and entrepreneurs. We covered the other two superstar social sites in roundups last week. But today we’d like to look at the latest news of the social site many small business owners still call home. Here’s the latest from the LinkedIn universe:


Is your LinkedIn profile accurate? As social media has evolved so has the importance placed on the information you share there. Nowhere is this more true than on LinkedIn, a social network which increasingly functions as a digital Rolodex come curriculum vitae in the social space. The overall impact of this status is that what you share on LinkedIn is beginning to be viewed with same gravity as the resume once was. What does your LinkedIn profile say about you?International Times

For the next generation, LinkedIn remains powerful. Though most students (about 84 percent) may still consider Facebook their first choice for social media interaction according to a recent survey, over half understand the importance of LinkedIn as a professional tool for job search and networking. The trend suggests that for many businesses small and large the site will continue to be an important resource for recruiting and B2B for the foreseeable future. What’s your LinkedIn strategy?onrec.com


Can you measure your LinkedIn success? Businesses large and small have discovered the immense impact of sites like LinkedIn, and certainly Facebook and Twitter, to their overall business strategy. Each social platform can satisfy a slightly different business need. But the question is whether a business’s overall success on such sites can truly be gauged. Of course, some software developers claim to have the answer.PC World

Real-time search on LinkedIn, other social networks worth billions. Could real-time search on LinkedIn and its other social media kinfolk be worth billions a year as Penn State researchers claim? How much value are you getting from your LinkedIn site? What model or approach could you use to get more. Researchers were focused on the value of a real-time search market, but how can you make your own little corner of the social universe more profitable?International Business Times 

Tricks& Tips

Building your company page on LinkedIn. Got a Facebook business page? Great. But maybe, especially if you do a lot of networking with other businesses, you’re missing the boat without a more vital presence on the world’s biggest business social networking community. Sure, you’ve got a LinkedIn profile and are using it to the max. But, says one LinkedIn guru, you may still not be doing all you can to put your LinkedIn presence to work for you. What else is there? Just watch!Inc.com

How LinkedIn’s new platform will transform business networking. It’s no small boast. The powerful business networking site could be establish itself as a major distribution hub of business“identity with its new upgrade and efforts to open its API for developers. What will you do with the new“digital business card” that could result? How can you best use the new features LinkedIn and other developers will be introducing and adapt them for your small business?Gigaom


LinkedIn on your Android? The beta stage of Linkedin smartphone app for Android is now officially over, and the app is now available in the Google Apps Marketplace or on the LinkedIn Web site. A LinkedIn official explains,“Now, you can walk into any interview, any customer engagement or client meeting with the ability to look up the details on over 100 million professionals worldwide, in real-time.” What are your thoughts on the new Android app and how will you use it?PC Magazine

Not everybody loves LinkedIn? It may seem impossible to believe that anyone, particularly an airline lounge used by business folks would EVER block a site as universally used by its potential business clientele as LinkedIn. But that’s apparently just what this New Zealand airline did with very unfortunate results in the form of negative feedback from a leading customer. To their credit, the airline is already solving the problem. Have you had similar experiences getting access to critical online business resources while on the go?The National Business Review


Finding sales leads on LinkedIn. Chris Hamilton presents a video tutorial explaining how the new“Signals” real-time search function can be used to find a variety of opportunities up to the minute. Searches can be done using various parameters but most important is the fact that the information is recent. The feature is relatively new so if you haven’t had the chance to use it yet, but sure to check out Chris’ post today.Sales Tip A Day

How is LinkedIn helping you? We’ve looked at some of the newest developments, considered the overall impact of the site on small business. But in the end the question of how LinkedIn can benefit small business owners the world over is a rather simple and nontechnical one to answer. Has Jose Jimenez missed any of the major benefits in his post? How is LinkedIn benefiting your business?The Digital Post

Final Thoughts

On LinkedIn as in life, judgement is critical. With the rapid growth of social media, it shouldn’t be surprising how much we’ve come to function in the online world for business needs. But just as in the offline world, judgement must always be exercised. This post examines how unsavory trends are just as much part of the online world as they were offline. Don’t leave your judgement behind when you log on. And thanks, Catarina!Catarina’s World


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