среда, 26 января 2011 г.

Small Business News: Twitter Tycoons

With just 140 characters, Twitter has changed what it means to communicate. And, in case you haven’t noticed, the way we do business too. If you aren’t using Twitter, talk to someone who does. Find out why they do and what Twitter has done for their business. With such simplicity and such versatility, there are probably as many uses for Twitter as there are entrepreneurs and small business owners. Find out more about how and why the small business community is using Twitter (and how you probably shouldn’t use it) below:

Marketing Basics

How Ivan Walsh makes money on Twitter and how you can too. Seriously, too much discussion about Twitter (and most other social media, for that matter) is about building relationships. That’s fine, but it doesn’t really begin to scratch the surface of how social media can and is being used to build small business revenue, not just brand. Here’s more.Bloggertone

Selling your tweets? If you were to do so, (and John Jantsch isn’t suggesting you do) how valuable would they be? Whether you decide that selling tweets is beneficial to your business model or not, one thing is for sure. Using the tools available for monetizing your tweets will give you a better idea of the true value you are passing on to your community.Duct Tape Marketing

12 tips for Twitter marketing. The world’s most powerful and famous micro blogging platform is not a silver bullet. Tweeting will not guarantee your success, so before you begin sharing your 140 character messages with the world, be aware that certain strategies lead to success in your Twitter community while others may not.Business2Community

Bast Practices

Why you should NOT pay for Twitter followers. Joel Libava, The Franchise King, bears his soul in this post about the importance of authenticity in the Twitterverse (and by extension through the rest of the social media sphere.) Joel’s story explains why it’s not about the numbers but about the quality of people you pull into your orbit.Franchise Social Media Marketing


What is a Twitter chat? And how can it help you to market your expertise and brand to the greater Twitter community. Matt Mansfield gives us a tour of this important phenomena which turns the most popular micro blogging tool in the world into a chat room or instant message board for a few hours each day for tweeps who like to meet and discuss a variety of topics important to them. What would you like to chat about on Twitter?Matt About Business

Are you a Twitterholic? Do you sit for hours frittering with Twitter. While the popular social media platform has incredible potential to drive business, revolutionize communications and build traffic and community around your product, service or brand, it also has an incredible potential to suck the life out of you if you just sit around staring at it all day. Here, from John Wheeler, are 10 signs to let you know you’re in trouble.BizNetCentral


Chrome extensions for Twitter and how to use them. Just like any other tool in your small business tool box, Twitter comes with special attachments to make it work better. This is even more the case with the introduction of the new Twitter upgrade. While special tools to enhance Twitter management like HootSuite had users essentially staying away from the site proper and managing their accounts from afar, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty with a whole new generation of Twitter tools.Basic Blog Tips

Feedburner updates enable new features for Twitter. The service that revolutionized the publication of blogs has added real time and social features that will change the way you use Twitter to publicize your content and how you can use FeedBurner to track efforts in the social media sphere. Check out this video overview from Ileane Smith of Basic Blog Tips and follow along.Codex WP


10 pieces of Twitter and FB advice to make your small business soar. The two most popular social media platforms can easily be used in conjunction and that’s what plenty of folks do. In fact, as Nicole Smith of Blue Fish Social Media suggests, the two platforms make up the“cheapest, fastest& most effective advertising” available for your brand.Business Review Australia

Anti-social behavior in the social Twitterverse? Remember that in social media, being social is everything. And so Web development specialist Jennifer Devitt is kind of scratching her head about Twitterers who ask others to validate their accounts before allowing them to follow. Sure we all understand the desire to make sure the person following you is a real human being. But in the end, what message are you sending to others who want to interact with you?Sydcon Web Development Inc.


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