воскресенье, 30 января 2011 г.

Small Business News: The Global View

Whether you are large or small, there’s a huge market out there that at one time was much harder to connect with. It spans the surface of the Earth and is made up of people just like you and me. And some of them may want what you have right now. You no longer need to content yourself with a local market alone, a market that might either love or hate what you offer. Today there’s a different way for small businesses to think. And we’ve got the resource to get you there!


Managed services software helps small business compete globally. Delivering services remotely is a hug part of givcing even the smallest businesses a truly global presence. Where this service includes freemium services to start, the barrier for entry to become a global player becomes even lower. How could the ability to provide these services to customers anywhere in the world affect your business model.MSPMentor

Facebook ads give SMBs global reach. Like Google before it, Facebook has developed an advertising product that gives small businesses an opportunity to reach a global audience. Recent data suggests that, like Google’s highly successful AdSense model, Facebook’s self-serve advertising tool seems to have created the most interest amongst small businesses that might not have had the means to launch a global advertising campaign before.MarketingMag.ca


Opposition continues to mount for U.S. healthcare law. But while efforts to boost competitiveness abroad continues, the fight over an unpopular healthcare legislation at home still roils. The State of Wisconsin has officially joined numerous other states in the fight against a controversial U.S. healthcare reform legislation that business leaders in particular are concerned will detrimentally impact the U.S. economy by forcing some businesses and just about all citizens to purchase healthcare insurance.BizTimes.com

U.S. small business owners oppose reform legislation. Despite all the rhetoric for and against, a survey indicates the majority of small business owners in the U.S. would definitely like to see the controversial new healthcare reform being fought over in the courts repealed. These business leaders apparently do not buy assurances from healthcare reform advocates that the regulations will eventual lower heathcare costs.Business Wire


What would mandated paid leave for employees do to your business? Another concern for small to medium sized U.S. businesses struggling for a competitive advantage in the global economy is the debate over government mandated paid family leave. The Family and Medical Leave Act already grants up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to American workers but does not require companies to pay them for the time off…yet. While advocates claim the U.S. needs the mandate, the reality is that smaller businesses probably cannot sustain such a cost and would likely respond with fewer full-time jobs in the future.msmbc.com


Import-Export bank to boost small business exports. In an effort to meet a goal set by the Obama administration the ration, the Export-Import Bank of the United States has announced plans to make more than 5,000 small businesses into U.S. exporters. Read more about the Global Access for Small Business and determine whether your small business could be a participant.123Print

British small businesses shun investment in developing nations. While U.S. small businesses have shown interest nin doing business with developing economies like India and China, a recently compiled report suggests their UK counterparts would sooner expand and invest in more developed markets like thosein the U.S. The report suggests the aversion may be due to the inherent risk these developing markets represent.The Economic Times


Social media map of the world! Thanks toShane Gibson who this week tweeted a map of the the world’s most popular media applications…by country! This incredible resource is imperative to anyone serious about using social media to expand the reach of your small business globally. This map, complete with overviews of each social media platform country by country and culture by culture goes WAY beyond  the old standbys of Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Thanks Shane!AppAppeal

Building global brand with the social Web. There’s no need to go broke in order to start a global marketing campaign these days either. Arm yourself with knowledge (like the social media app above) and dive in. Create blogs, use free social media platforms. Connect with influencers, find your audience and then bring them to you.Reuters


A step-by-step for expanding your business globally. So, you want to take your small business global. Whether you have a lot of money or not, talking to or hiring consultants can only take you so far. In this post, Laurel Delaney has included a helpful link that takes you through the planning stages of going global with your venture, large or small. What are your plans for making your small business competitive in a new global economy? What major challenges do you face?The Global Small Business Blog


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