пятница, 25 февраля 2011 г.

Spunk and Moxie: Positive Qualities?

Unleashing Bold Initiatives

The above cartoon was inspired by an earlier cartoon of mine. Well, not exactly inspired. More likemistakenly copied almost exactly.

It’s the only time I know of that I’ve ever done a cartoon twice, and it was amazing how close the captions ended up being. Compare the caption above,“Listen, Tom, I like your spunk. It’s your moxie that concerns me”with one done a few years earlier:“I like your spunk. However, I am concerned about your gumption.”

I suppose technicallymoxieandgumptionare subtly different employee traits, but who are we kidding? This is basically the same cartoon.

All in all, it could have been worse. At least I was stealing from myself.


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