среда, 29 декабря 2010 г.

Are You Hiding From Your Customers on Social Media?

You’ve decided you’re going to be a company your customers love. To do it, you’ve dedicated real resources to social media, you’re listening before you speak, and you’re creating systems to help you manage what’s being said about you. Now you just have to stop hiding from customers.


One of the most common mistakes small business owners make in social media is that they set up shop and then forget to tell anyone about it. Sometimes it’s fear, sometimes they expect their customers will find them, and other times it just slips through the cracks. The brands that do well on social media are the ones that actively promote their accounts. After all, a customer can’t“like” a page they don’t know about, just like they can’t do business with a brand they’ve never met. If you don’t have a plan for how to introduce your social media presence to customers, you’re essentially hiding from them. And you need to stop it.

Where are some easy places to start and show off your social media presence?

Your Website

The first place you should be highlighting your social media presence is on your own website. Your company’s site is where many of your customers will go first to get information about your brand. It’s your job to not only give them trusted information, but also point them to other sources where they can learn more about you. That includes displaying links to your social profiles. Whether you highlight your Facebook page directly from your home page likePetcodoes, or create a page completely dedicated to all your social media accounts like theAmerican Red Cross, is up to you. What’s important is that you let people know how you want them to connect with you. The customers who visit your website are already familiar with your brand and probably want to support you. Give them an easy way to do that.

Include Social Links in E-Mail Newsletters

Another place to show off your social media presence is in the e-mail newsletters that you routinely send to your customers. Including a simple call -out box where you mention your company’s LinkedIn group, your Facebook profile or your YouTube account is a great way to encourage users to follow and engage with these accounts. Why wouldn’t a customer want to subscribe to your YouTube account to get product How Tos? Social media and e-mail marketing work really well when combinedbecause they both allow customers to develop a more personal relationship with the brands they love. You’re able to target the customers who have done business with your company (and are familiar with it), but who may not check your site every day. Research also shows that e-mails with social calls to action have a30 percent higher click-through ratethan e-mails without them. So make sure you’re asking them not only to follow you, but to share your content, as well.

Put It on Your Business Cards

You’re never without a pile of business cards. You bring them to local networking events, to mixers, and even when you go to the grocery store. But what does that card look like? Have you upgraded it to encourage people to not only call you, but also connect with you on Twitter? Does the card have the URL for your Facebook page or a QR code they can scan into their phone? If it doesn’t, it may be time to give your business card an upgrade. For example, my business card for my SEO consulting company Outspoken Media invites contacts to connect with me both on my personal Twitter account and onthe company account. And it works. I often return home from events and recognize many of my new followers as folks I shared a drink or conversation with when I was out and about. Don’t just stop with your business cards, of course. Include your social media profiles on all offline advertising and promotional efforts. You want to integrate social media into all other marketing efforts your company is doing.

Put It on a Shirt

The T-shirt above belongs to myLos Angeles chiropractorfriend Michael Dorausch. He’s @chiropractic on Twitter and he’s often seen wearing this shirt at conferences, in his office and or just around town. Not only is it a good conversation starter, but it also piques interest in who he is and what he does. After all, if you’re brazen enough to wear your Twitter handle on your chest, you’re probably someone I want to check out when I get home. A stunt like this also makes your brand more memorable in the eyes of customers.

Those are some easy ways to stop hiding from your customers on social media and to let them know you’re out there. What methods are you using to promote your social media accounts and invite customers to connect with you?


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