среда, 10 ноября 2010 г.

Making Your Voice Heard as a Small Business Owner

Politics has been on everyone’s mind lately due to the recent midterm elections. In California, where I live, there was much debate (as always) about whether certain propositions on the ballot would actually help citizens—or were simply smokescreens for big businesses to profit. And two of the candidates, Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina, touted their former experience as corporate CEOs as a good reason to vote for them as politicians, though neither one won.

We all know the role that big business plays in politics and the influence large corporations have on government via lobbyists and donations.But did you ever consider that your small business could have the same kind of influence?

Making Your Voice Heard

Of course, one small company cannot hope to wield the influence of a massive global corporation. But by banding together to make our voices heard, small businesses can make a difference.Sound too intimidating?Start small. For many of us, the issues that affect our businesses the most are the ones being debated on the state or even local levels.

Making your voice heard can start as small as working to get a zoning variance so you can run a business from home. In my area, business owners have successfully lobbied to get parking meters removed so that more customers will visit their businesses, legalize sidewalk dining to attract more customers to restaurants in a beach community, and change restrictions so that local coffeehouses can feature live music at night. You may not think of these as“government” issues, but these are the little things that make a big difference in a company’s profitability—or even survival.

Local governments are hurting for money these days, which means they’re thinking more creatively and are more willing to listen to solutions proposed by business owners. Once you’ve cut your teeth on some of these local issues, consider what’s cramping your business’s style at the state level. Is it taxes? Regulations?

Recently on my blog SmallBizDaily, politician and marketing professor Amy H. Handlin shared her7 tips for successful lobbying. One of the tips that rang truest to me:Create a coalition.Handlin advises reaching out to other entrepreneurs who share your concerns, then educating more business owners about the issues so you can all be effective lobbyists for change.

You can also hook up with community organizations that share your concerns. This article onBusiness News Dailycites a business owner who joined forces with organizations from churches to the Boy Scouts to protest a transit project that would have required his business location to close. Or you can join an existing business organization that shares your attitude about political issues.

Another solution—run for office.One entrepreneur I know went so far as to run locally office this year (she didn’t win, but maybe next year).

Whether we vote red or blue, the reality is that government—large and small—affects all of our lives and businesses. Shouldn’t we have an effect on government as well? You can get more in-depth advice on successfully advocating for your goals by reading Handlin’s book titled,“Be Your Own Lobbyist: How to Give Your Small Business Big Clout with State and Local Government.”


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