пятница, 29 октября 2010 г.

Frankenstein Meetings and Halloween Greetings

Unleashing Bold Initiatives

With Halloween just a few days away, I thought the above cartoon would be appropriate. It’s one of my recent favorites.

I was writing a batch of holiday cartoons and I’d jotted“Frankenstein” down on a notepad. I took Frankenstein and ran him through my standard group of topics:What does Frankenstein like at home? What does Frankenstein do at work? Does Frankenstein have any pets? What does Frankenstein’s computer look like?

I settled on Frankenstein at work and asked myself what he might say in a meeting. He’s not much of a talker, but“Fire bad!”seems to be a recurring theme, and once I’d imagined the corresponding PowerPoint I knew I had it.

Happy Halloween!


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